Shelf Test
Shelf Test research in real-life environments can be expensive and time-consuming. Simulate a shopping experience with aytm's agile Shelf Test to answer key research questions around new products or packages, pricing, and shelf placement. Place your product(s) in a Shelf Test Question to get immediate feedback on consumer's ability to find your product amongst others.

- Shelf summary statistic
Find out key spending metrics like average cart spend, cart size, time at shelf, and more. - Product metrics
Explore summmary statistics for individual products, such as how many respondents purchased the product, how many of each product were bought, and the average time to cart. - Heatmap
Discover where respondents clicked in relation to the overall shelf.
Package testing
Designing a new package or new variation of your product and want to see if respondents can recognize it or easily find it in a sea of other products? Insert a shelf test into your larger package test to find out!Placement testing
Finding the optimal shelf space and share of shelf can be tricky. Screen through a few options with this online simulation before you choose the best options to simulate in real life and save on cost.Typical market research surveys ask people about their behaviors (e.g., would you purchase this if ____, would you recognize this if _____) but these types of questions rely on respondents' imaginations to predict their own behavior, which is limiting. Using a shelf test, you can experiment with different packaging, pricing, and placement and directly capture how each affects actual behavior.
aytm's Shelf Test improves upon relying on these reflective estimates by giving respondents an online, simulated environment to interact with and giving you the ability to observe their behavior.
- Remember your audience
aytm's Shelf Test can excel at supplementing your behavioral research, but not replace it. Focus your research on smaller, more agile questions.